Contemporary Art, Gallery, and Luxury Decor: The Luminous Universe of Arjan Scheltjens

Contemporary art is increasingly becoming an essential element in luxury decor, particularly through artists who push the boundaries of materials and techniques. Arjan Scheltjens, a renowned Belgian artist, is one of these visionary creators who transform the way art and light interact in modern spaces. His glass works, characterized by vibrant geometric compositions and layered transparent surfaces, add a unique and luminous touch to the world of contemporary decor.

Arjan Scheltjens: An Artist of Light and Glass

Arjan Scheltjens is primarily an artist of light. His creations utilize glass, a material that is both fragile and resilient, to play with transparency, color, and depth. Through a sophisticated technique of layering colored glass, he creates works that change in appearance depending on the light and the viewer's angle. These geometric and abstract compositions stand out for their ability to capture and reflect light, creating fascinating color plays.

Scheltjens is recognized for his innovative approach to glass, making him a key figure in contemporary art. His works are the result of a combination of craftsmanship and artistic reflection, which makes them particularly sought after in galleries and luxury decor projects worldwide.

Contemporary Art and Luxury Decor

Arjan Scheltjens' works naturally find their place in luxury decor environments. Whether in private residences, prestigious hotels, or high-end offices, his glass creations add a touch of modernity and elegance to any interior. The unique ability of his works to play with light makes them ideal pieces for architectural spaces where lighting and ambiance are paramount.

In luxury decor, Scheltjens' works are often used as focal points, drawing attention and creating an atmosphere that is both calming and dynamic. His glass compositions pair perfectly with contemporary materials such as marble, wood, and metal, contributing to the harmony and balance of the spaces.

Galleries and Collectors: The Appeal of Scheltjens' Works

Arjan Scheltjens' works are regularly exhibited in prestigious contemporary art galleries in Europe and around the world. His pieces are particularly sought after by art collectors and contemporary design enthusiasts who appreciate the elegance and complexity of his glass creations. Galleries play a key role in disseminating his work, allowing a wide audience to access his luminous and captivating pieces.

Scheltjens is also present at international art fairs, where his works continue to enchant with their originality and technical execution. The growing demand for his creations reflects his success in the contemporary art and luxury decor markets.


The works of Arjan Scheltjens embody the perfect fusion of contemporary art, gallery, and luxury decor. Through his glass compositions that capture light and color in a unique way, Scheltjens redefines the interaction between art and space. His creations are not only works of art but also essential elements in the creation of modern and luxurious interiors, where light and art engage in a dialogue to transform spaces.

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